Saturday, March 14, 2009

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Indian techies making big on global stage

Technology Review, the world's oldest tech magazine, published by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), got our country's best brains to talk about emerging trends in Indian technology. MIT is the world’s best tech school.

“Two of the top world’s techs are produced by Indians. Like this biological machines that attach a chip to a living being so that it can be controlled, as well as this new technology that lets web pages be stored so that internet connectivity is no longer a problem,” says Editor-in-Chief Technology Review, Jason Pontin.

Every Year, Jason's magazine publishes an annual list of technologists who could change the world. Indians have increasingly popped up on it.

In 2004, Vikram Kumar developed software to help diabetic and AIDS patients keep track of their medication. In 2007, Tapan Parekh helped Kerala fishermen keep track of market prices, on their cell phones. This year, Vivek Pai's on the list with technology that beats bad net connections, to let poor students surf the web.

Who will be next on that list? Experts talked about Indian innovations in mobile applications, social networking, cloud computing and Nano technology. With so much happening in the Indian tech space, can India become the world's next tech super power? Opinions were mixed.

This was the first ever Mtech conference outside of the US. So it is a clear sign that the rest of the world is waking up to the potential of Indian technology.


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