Monday, January 4, 2010

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5 kinds of colleagues, who may be laid off soon

There are people in workplaces who cause problems that may result in them being laid off from work. According to HR expert Henry Fernandes, every office has problem employees. "Whether you are an employer or a co-worker, you have to deal with things diplomatically and on time if you do not want work to suffer," he says.

People who have attitude problem may become victims of layoffs. Such employees can make workplaces a very sad place. If other employees are demoralized, productivity will suffer. "It could be an employee's attitude towards work, excessive criticism of fellow colleagues or talking rudely," says Fernandes.

Those not coming to work on time may also face the wrath. This means work gets started late and deadlines are not met. "It sets a bad example and reflects on your working style and discipline in the office," says Fernandes.

Another reason can be if the employee doesn't keep his desks tidy. "Basically, the employee who does this is being careless," says Fernandes.

There are habits that disrupt work and affect productivity in workplace. A colleague who talks too much or discusses personal problems on the phone so loudly can result in you losing concentration on work.

Some people ask too many personal questions or keep looking at your computer screen to see what you are doing. "Even if you are sending a personal mail, they don't stop," says Fernandes.

The only way to deal with these kinds of employees is to have a serious talk with them. If you are the employer, you can be straightforward and question their behavior. If their behavior continues to affect others' productivity, it's time to show them the way out.
Source: SiliconIndia


  1. These days people who are productive are also sent off! because there is no adequate work- and they demand work.

  2. Absolutely rubbish. People who are laid off are the ones on bench. A firm would never lay off anyone (even if all the above attributes from the article apply) if the employee is chargeable/allocated. Afterall, he is minting money for the company. It does not make business sense.

  3. If an employee is generating revenue to the company and billed, keeping his desk dirty doesn't matter. do agree with attitude towards work..
